Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Break-In - Start Up & 1000Km

I conducted the usual 20mins warm-up/breakin.
Allows me to check for leaks, cooling system is ok, oil pressures are ok etc.
The rpm is continually bounced throughout the 20mins.  Keeping it above 1500rpm.

All new fluids went in.
And I'm trying some of this Evans stuff.
I'm not convinced, but worth a shot.

Basically its an oil, rather than glycol.

I was also recommended Joe Gibbs oils.
They are expensive though :(
Due to the first 20mins being the most critical of the breakin, I used Joe Gibbs.

So it was ready for its first start.
Systems checked.

Oil cooler disconnected to stop contamination.
Log book kms.

Clean turbo feed filter and radiator filter stocking.
As you may have noticed, I made it to 1000km of breakin :)
Started it at 97454km.  I did the 100km oil change and 500km oil change and 1000km full syn change.

Then all hell broke loose!
Lost compression after 10 x 200km/hr runs of boost tuning.

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