Last services i had a missing alternator locking bolt, cross threaded lock nut which split the hub bolt when iI had to snap to get my wheels off to rotate them, had air in the brake line, they sprayed some air con conditioner which damage all my interior plastics. So I am over getting someone else to do until I have tried and given up doing it myself.
- a nice chunk out of my tyres thanks to my mate Shane...they survived the track day though which is great!!!
- got myself some A1RM from great prices and service. I am happy with them and I can't wait to track them!
- I did notice my calipers are more likely to be VR4 than Evo III due to the different brake line fitting. Evo III uses a banjo
I think i did about 15,000km on them. Only did one track day at Jacks Hill which is ~1min laps
- below is a picture of some sick rattle power, it is one of the best investment makes taking wheels and brakes off so much quicker and easier
- the fluids i chose this time... Mobile Full Syn 5W-50....Wanted something thicker for track, before i was using 10W-40 Semi Syn...
- Redline MT-90 GL4 oil for the box...
Note: When doing transmission oil, always take off the filler nut before the drainage plug...Because it is super tight and if you drain it before hand you might never be able to fill it...Mine were super tight and really hard to get to...I can't remember the exact size maybe a hex drive Size 8...i then used a closed end spanner to turn it, i couldn't get a socket wrench in there.. To tight
- brake bleed is troublesome, but it is doable if you have patience and someone to help pump the peddle..
- i used the syringe to top up the master cylinder as my car is dam hard to get to...i had a spanner to open and shut the bleed valve/brake my mate to pump it as a open and closed the nipple...every 4 pumps i topped up the master cyclinder...i complete a full flush with just under 3lt
- I went twice around the car...first one was to get rid of the old fluid then 2nd time around i started the engine to create a vacuum and went around the car a 2nd time
- the tools...a 13mm sock and 15mm spanner to take off the rear caliper...